Synesthesia Visualizer


The Synesthesia Project was a project for my motion graphics class, in where we had to find a song (or make one, in this instance) and create a visualizer for it.  


I decided to take a beat that I had composed, mixed, and mastered, and create visual elements for each instrument. I took into account timbre, panning, and reverb when designing the visual effects. Elements with reverb have a slight glow around them, and elements that are panned left are visualized on the left of the screen.

The colors I chose were intentional as well, with percussive and bright sounds being more white, while melodic and bassy sounds give a purple-ish hue.

In the end, I think this video clearly demonstrates how I tend to visualize music when I mix, and it developed my skills in motion graphics as well.  

Masking Project


Also a project for my motion graphics class, this masking demo was a video I made to demonstrate my hobbies using motion graphics techniques.


I wanted this to be a music heavy video, since that's a big part of my life. I made quick beat in FL Studio, and purposefully used three tracks and cut them in a way so that they act as buffers for the "slides" of the video.

In Adobe After Effects, I added a scrolling effect so it scrolls with the playhead, and on each drum break, I added visuals.

Notably, the bass part was a rotoscoped video of me playing, so that it would fit nicely into the scene. I added masks to each of the texts to make it more visually appealing, and added scroll effects so it scrolls with the camera!

7:00AM - Tennyson (BYOS)


This video is a BYOS (or Bring Your Own Sticks) to the song "7:00AM" by Tennyson. A BYOS  means that you make up a drum solo on top of an existing song. I've always loved playing the tenor drums, so I decided to write a solo over this song and record it for my Youtube.


During this recording, I wore earbuds so that I could play along with the track, and that made it easier to line up in post. I added the music at the bottom for fellow drummers so they can see the music I'm playing. I edited a little intro and outro, and I had my complete project!

Nature's Way - Music Video


This video was a project for my web video class. I practiced getting interesting shots and editing.


I decided to film in a garden, which had a lot of potential for gripping visuals. I composed a song to go with the visuals, giving a carefree vibe.

In post, I added some transition effects that I think elevated this project. I used color correction, keyframing, and saturation effects to really sell the transitions. I wanted to make it match the feel of the music, which I think I achieved.

Illinois State School of Music Promo Video


This was a promotional video done for the ISU School of Music. My task was to take footage from the ISU video archives, as well as symphonic recordings of ISU bands, and create a short promo video.


I found a lot of old photos of students practicing music on the quad, so I decided to take those and make the promo focus on history. I lined the cuts with the music, and shortened the music to end on a satisfying note.